Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Ethics of Digital Games


According to the film, Gamer Revolution, what are the pros and cons of playing videogames for individuals and societies?

As seen in the film, there are many different pros and cons of playing videogames. For individuals, videogames gives them something more than a book. Numerous people stated in the film that videogames provide players with the role of an "active participant" while providing color and motion while a book is simply black and white where the reader is an recipient. In addition, videogames provide a medium of expression for both individuals and societies. 

Using the Korean gamers as an example, digital games also create a sort of community for society and individuals.  Digital games provide a mean for people to connect through a common interest. It also boosts the economy/certain supporters.through branding.

In one game in America, America's Army, this game supports the army society and encourages people to join the army or provides them with insight into what soldiers in the army do. The game is changing attitudes about the army, ultimately increasing enrollment rates.

According to the film, Gamer Revolution, is there any evidence that digital games can encourage aggressive values and antisocial actions in the real world? Do you agree?

The film did not provide any concrete information that digital games could encourage aggressive values or antisocial actions in the real world. There was one researcher, Weber who found that there was a connection between aggressive action and aggressive brain activity but not behavior. 
The film also talked about a lawyer who claimed there was a connection between the actions and behavior but the film didn't really go into it.

Should governments have the right to ban certain games? Why or why not?

It depends... In America for instance, no. Because the army/government have created and encourage the usage of America's Army, the government should not have the right to ban certain games because they are promoting the usage of their own violent game. Other countries though, countries with government that don't promote violent videogames have the right to ban certain games because they are not promoting violent games themselves.

Case Study:

During our class discussion, I had the opportunity to talk with "Student A."  Student A enjoys playing the SIMS because he/she enjoys being able to create almost anything and have control over the characters' actions and lives. He/she found that some of the characters' actions that he/she weren't able to control were sometimes questionable.

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