Wednesday, October 20, 2010


So this website, Mouchette, is rather odd. It's 'out there' in terms of websites. I'm not really sure what the purpose is, but the visual and audio make me question the purpose and intention of the creator. In my opinion, I don't think there is a purpose of this website. Although the website says a 13-year old girl created this website, I don't believe it (Later to find out, her artwork is in an art gallery in Japan--> not a real identity. So that leads me to ask why does she want our own identity if she's using a fake one?). 

The flash media throughout the website requires a wealth of knowledge and then there are frequent sexual references throughout the website. I just don't see a 13 year old creating this. In our class discussion her age came up- is 'she' just a character/online identity? Probably.

The colors and images that Mouchette uses is rather old-looking. It reminds me of my first computer, a Windows 90 (?). It's very interactive and uses flash but doesn't seem to match my understanding of modern internet usage. 

It's also interesting because she frequently asks for your information- your email, your name, etc. Why does this anonymous person need this information? She also discusses 'sensitive' topics like suicide and asks the viewer what the best way to kill yourself if you're under 13.

Some pages, like Blind Shells, reminds me of jodi, which we discussed last week. It's rather random and the viewer is able to choose what and how they view something, It's interesting how both Mouchette and Jodi give the viewer control on what they see on a specific website. It's making the viewer and active viewer rather than a passive viewer.

This website is controversial because it looks at rather tough subjects in a light way. The creator doesn't seem to care about suicide, sex, or death and how people emotionally react to them. The creator looks at these with an odd-outlook and doesn't seem to take these matters seriously, which I think hurts the overall website. 

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