Wednesday, September 1, 2010


 Hi! I'm Sara.

I'm a Junior at Hobart and William Smith (HWS) Colleges in Geneva, New York but I am currently studying abroad at Lingnan University. I am double majoring in Writing and Rhetoric and Media and Society; I am looking to combine the two to work in communications.

Digital media is a huge part of my life- I am almost always connected to my phone or computer; I frequently check Facebook, Twitter, send emails, read and write blogs, watch Youtube videos and more. I remember one of my teachers in high school saying "Remember what presentations used to be like without Youtube?" Digital media plays a huge role in everyday life- it not effects how one sees something but also allows one to see things in a different way. No longer are newspapers just words- now there are videos, blogs and slideshows to accompany articles. With digital media, the world is becoming more connected and further educated. I've taken numerous courses where a requirement is a blog, forcing the students and teacher to stay connected and communicate in a different way. Digital media is allowing human beings to think outside the box of what is normal.

I'm originally from outside of Boston, Massachusetts, but have been very fortunate to have traveled throughout high school. I've been to China (once before studying abroad in HK), Europe, South America and Antarctica.

I am also keeping a website about my time abroad in Hong Kong and at Lingnan. You can check it out here.

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