Wednesday, September 29, 2010


1. What are some photographic effects that can be achieved using digital or analog (darkroom, film, lights etc) technology?
Although digital photography is believed to be something new, the techniques and abilities of digital photography are similar to those of analog photography. Surprisingly, in both digital and analog photography the photographer and or editor has the ability to change the light in a photo. While an analog photo requires this do be done in a darkroom, digital photography can be changed in computer programs like Photoshop and iPhoto.

Change the light - dark room, photoshop, create fictional pictures, add new information/animations

2. What are some photographic techniques that can only be achieved using digital technology?
 Morphing/detailed inventions of things that have never existed.

3. What is the difference between analog photography and digital photography?
 The main difference between digital photography and analog photography is light. Digital photography relies on light sensors to capture the image while analog photography uses an exposure method on light sensitive film. Analog photography also relies chemicals to capture images, in addition to light. Film and memory card
digital- computer info- reduced to computer code- move info/info

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