Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Modern Times

After watching the clip from "Modern Times," I was able to see both the positive and negative effects of technology on both Charlie Chaplin and myself.

In "Modern Times," Charlie Chaplin is controlled by the technology he works with. The machine is constantly providing work for Charlie and at times he is struggling to keep up with the machine. As I discussed with a classmate during the exercise, the machine controls Charlie, Charlie doesn't control the machine. In addition, the machine isn't for Charlie's benefit, in fact it negatively effects him and his behavior. For example, when he stops working, his hands and body are still doing the motions of his job and it is a struggle for him to stop. The machines positively impact the boss, and only the boss, because he is able to make more products, thus allowing for more profit.

When the men bring in the lunch machine for him to try out, it seems like a good idea as it provides a way of multitasking and producing more product. Unfortunately though, this machine does not help, but rather creates more problems. In addition, the machine is just awkward for Charlie; he has no control over what he is being fed or when as food is being shoved in his face throughout the experiment.  As seen in "Modern Times," technology seems to have a negative impact on Charlie Chaplin's life, as he no longer has control over even the littlest things in his life.

In comparison, technology has had a positive impact on my own life. In my everyday life, I frequently rely on my computer, cellphone, and iPod for various things. As an exchange student at Lingnan University, I use my computer to stay in touch with my friends and family at home. Frequent emails, video chats, IMs, and Facebook keep my connected even though I am halfway around the world. Furthermore, with my cellphone, I am able to keep in touch with friends in Hong Kong. Since my cellphone from the U.S. does not work here in Hong Kong, I rely on my Hong Kong phone and phone number to keep in contact with local students.

Unlike Charlie Chaplin, I feel like I have power and control over the machines and technology I use. When I step away from the machines, I am okay; I am not shaking or trembling like Charlie, I am able to move on with my life.

Technology is a great tool, though one must be able to have control and power over the machine and oneself.

1 comment:

  1. Good points here!But I think there are some positive effects for new technologies.Such as speed up the production procedures,and so on.
