Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Online Identities

I have about five or six online identities- Facebook, Twitter, my Hong Kong Blog, this blog, another personal blog, and my 'lurker' identity. As I was discussing with my classmates, my Facebook page is the closest identity to my real-person identity. I'm not sure why, but I am able to share/more willing to share more things on Facebook than on other sites).

My Twitter account is rather a mix of my different accounts- I tweet about some daily occurrences about my time in Hong Kong, sometimes I update about crew (when I'm at HWS) and sometimes I tweet about other random things.  

My Hong Kong blog is catered to talk about my experiences during my semester abroad in Hong Kong- I try and focus on the details and descriptions of my experiences so those at home are able to understand my daily happenings.  

As I am sure you can already tell, this class blog focuses on things that relate to class. You won't find things about my personal life but you will find my opinions about digital media here. The writings here are mainly academic and for academic purposes even though they do incorporate social media.

My other personal blog is basically for my own purposes, rants and raves. Nobody knows about it or reads it, but it is out there on the Internet. It has a focus but I rarely update it- usually once every month. If it's found, it's found, but I haven't really given the link out like I have with my Hong Kong blog.

My final online identity is what I call a 'lurker.' As a lurker I read blogs but never comment or participate in them. There are about 6-8 blogs that I read daily and have for over a year, but I have never commented on them. I like to sit back and read about their lives and continue with my own. Since I don't have a blog that they can comment back on I feel like if I were to comment, it'd be a one-way conversation (even though it isn't, but that's another story) so I am not inclined to comment. Maybe if I ever release my other personal blog or create another blog then I might leave my 'lurker' status behind, but only time will tell.

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